Monday, September 18, 2006

Tales of a Spider

Normally, I have a really big problem with bugs, simply because when I was 3 in Kuwait I had a horrific experience with my mom trying this new bug spray which turned out to attract the bugs of the whole neighborhood. So even the tiniest bugs creep me out. Flying ones not so much cause they have somewhere to go, but the ones that only crawl could just end up chilling with me for longer than I like.

I also dislike heat very much, so I went out to the garage to get a fan last week, and on it was a lovely spider that decided to make itself at home in my room. It was a pretty big, gross, gray spider. Really gross. So me and my sister are just sitting on my bed talking and she starts freaking out. I look over and there it is in the middle of my floor. Spiders helped the prophet, and I'm not about to kill something that worships more than I do, so what do I do? cover it with a shoebox until one of my brothers can take it outside in the morning. SUPER idea.

The next day we go to check on it and it's made a comfortable little web for itself. My brothers aren't home yet and my dad will just look at me funny if I ask him to take it out, so we decide to wait. A few hours later we lift up the box, and astaghfirullah, we suffocated the poor spider. I got this pang of sadness/guilt-the one you get when you miss Fajr. In trying to save its life, I actually killed it in a most uncomfortable way. Think about could've had a quick and painless death by shoe, but rather, it died slowly, antagonizingly, in a shoebox. Sadness.

Moral of the story: Don't kill something while trying to save it. Apply liberally to life.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Fatima Bint Muhammad

Faduma is leaving to Madinah on Tuesday the 12th. On this day I will probably be miserable. It's likely that for the next 4 years or so we will only see each other in the summers, and Allah knows best if after that we will be in the same place. This isn't the first time we go through separation. Last October she left to Madinah for a bit, but I was uber sick and don't even remember her leaving, just a crazy dream I had of me leaving her and her husband a voicemail. I really believe this dream was mercy on me from Allah. I told her that if we were friends for His sake, then it didn't matter where we were-we would be together in the Akhira. Then I told her husband to be nice to her and take care of her. Definitely comfort from Allah for me, because there's no way I could've thought up the words I said on my own. I was convinced it happened in real life but Alhamdulillah people were there to tell me I was on major hallucinogens and I was dreaming, hehe.

To call her a friend does a GREAT injustice. She is the true definition of a sister, and our relationship embodies what it is to love someone for the sake of Allah. I trust her with my very being, and would never hesitate to give her everything I own, before she even asked for it. May Allah have mercy on her and give her the best in this life and the next. May He bless her marriage and give her righteous offspring that make dua for her after her death. Ameen.