Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I will think of a title when I'm done writing this.

I would like to note that I know how irresponsible it is to do this during finals. But you know what? I'm done studying and I can't sleep. I am nocturnal sometimes. Leave me be!

So my uncle, his wife, and their daughter are moving sometime this month. Jennifer is graduating from the Law School, and they're going to Chicago. My uncle is going to film school there, and she's taking the Illinois Bar Exam. Am I sad? Of course. But I decided I'm not going to show them I am. I think it'll make it worse. This uncle and I are very close. We are really similar in the way we look at a lot of things. We are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to some issues, but he's the only one that gets it sometimes. I like a lot of his opinions. Sometimes people don't need a lot of deen to renounce materialism and superficiality. He's a cool person.
But I'm more sad about this one:
Yafa, named after a city in Palestine. (My uncle is really lucky he didn't name her Jenin, because I totally reserved that like 4 years ago.) She is messy and moody and has a lot of spunk. That is why I love her. She looks exactly like I did when I was her age. And she can totally bust a move for a 2 year old, just like I could :P
Enough about my family. Onto the brain regurgitation!
For one moment I would like to lament about something. I'm currently using my favorite bag in the world. It is comfortable and I love it. But, it's starting to rip on the inside, to an unrepairable point. I love this bag, remember? And it cost like $11. Which is why it's probably ripping, but while it was alive, it served well. I think I'll stop using it, but I'll keep it in my closet. Poor bag :(
So looking at some of my friends' blogs, namely Katie and Ramla's, I have decided that mine is pretty worthless. You will not gain any academic/political awareness from it. For this I apologize, and direct you to the nearest newspaper. Sorry.
Katie just sent me this link. It's pretty disturbing. I don't know how any human with any conscience can do this. Subhanallah, may Allah give every oppressor what they deserve, in this life and the next.
"Child Bride-
Married at the age of four, an Afghan girl was subjected to years of beatings and torture, finally escaping to discover that within all the world's cruelty, there is also some kindness."
If you read this, make dua for her by name please. JAK.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey Mariam, good job. Jenin is a cute name :) My brother wants to name his son the name of the city where my grandma's family is from in Ireland, Kilmicktrainy by the Sea. hahahaha anyway, your blog is sweeeet.