Sunday, June 04, 2006

Our Ummah

I think we have a serious problem. No one has any idea how bad things are. Or they do, and choose to ignore it. The Prophet (pbuh) said that there will come a day when sins that are grievous and very serious will be considered unimportant little details. I think that day has come. Not to be pessimistic or anything, but listen to some stories and tell me you have any hope for your own kids now. We just don't get Islam, we don't understand that Allah, our creator, knows his creation. I would trust a mechanic with my car, and a doctor with my health, so why not Allah with my soul? We think we know the ways to happiness, but that happiness we find through living outside of Islamic principles is fleeting. It's not serenity, and it's not piece of mind. It's very false and deceiving, because the devil has mastered us.

You can't just point to someone and tell them, "Hey, be conscious of Allah", but we need to wake up and realize just how serious the akhira is. I appreciate the fact that the human process of change takes time, but this "time" is a gamble, it's not something you have for sure.

I was at a graduation party this weekend, a Palestinian one (mixed gender). There were people dancing and having a great time, and parents and family members joining in on the fun and being happy. This sounds totally legitimate right? What if we ask ourselves what everyone would do if the Prophet (pbuh) walked into that party? Skirts would get longer, people would stop dancing, and the happy onlookers oblivious to the seriousness of this would cease their celebration. And maybe more than the 7 adults I counted out of about 30 would get up to pray asr. Now the higher example...Allah (swt) is always there to see. Are we not in debt to him? I'm definitely not saying it's wrong to celebrate and be happy, but if it is done outside the parameters of what is halal and what isn't, there is no justification for its legitimacy, even if it's the norm in our times.

I think that if you're comfortable in ALL social situations and relationships (a whole different post), there's something wrong with your fitra. It can't possibly be that there aren't tests anywhere, and if you're not recognizing these situations as tests, maybe you should change your glasses. May Allah bless us all with the Iman and conviction to pass his tests.


Nandita said...

I love you dude, let the truth be told. Amin.

Ayah said...

Mariam, mashaa Allah. Thank you for pointing out such a problem, that we all seem to ignore. I love, love, love this line: "I would trust a mechanic with my car, and a doctor with my health, so why not Allah with my soul?" Pure genius.