Wednesday, October 25, 2006
What The Heck?
One day, I will write a post about the things I enjoy, I promise. I enjoy a lot of things and I'm actually, contrary to popular belief, fairly pleasant. I'm also very comma happy.
I work with a lady. A very weird one. Her husband makes a gajillion dollars, she works part-time, and lives in a very fancy home. She drives a Benz and buys incredibly expensive designer purses whose price would make some people I know (including me) throw up several times. She is lavish and buys $50 a yard fabric and such. I'm not gonna hate, that's her prerogative. But here's what I don't understand: She's CHEAP! Can someone please explain this to me? I really didn't know until I grew up that rich people are pretty cheap. You would think that generosity would grow exponentially, not linearly, with increased income. Apparently not. Like how can someone who buys a $95 purse and thinks it's a deal fret over $3? This is a concept that I don't understand whatsoever, and it's making me nauseous thinking about it.
In America, for example, the most generous people, in terms of ratio of money donated to income, are the poor. Is this a faith issue? Is it because the numbers are so big? I don't know.
What I do know, however, is that I really hate cheapness and miserliness. It's ok to be careful with your money, but sometimes what you lose to save it is worth more than the money itself. And if it's not even a matter of being careful, and you are just counting every penny, I think you suck. And that is MY prerogative :)
Second Issue:
I really wish people would revisit the value of strength of character. I wish they would pick themselves up and move on. I absolutely love people with a fighting spirit. And not to say that strong people are rough and mean, because being strong and being merciful aren't contradictory. They can live together. My dad for example, is a sword of justice. Very heavy words, but I exaggerate not. He is the most morally upright person I know. He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and definitely not afraid to lay down some law. At the same time, he is the biggest softy on the face of the earth. He cries more than normal for a man his age, and never hesitates to admit when he's wrong-he says that's being a man. He also knows me better than any of my friends, or even my mom.
Looking back at last year, around this time, he did me the biggest favor anyone could do for me. He challenged me. It's around recovery time, and I'm just a mess. I can't move, can't talk, and can't eat. My muscles are completely debilitated from being in a rotating bed for 2 weeks, and I can't even lift my arms. So what does my dad do? He hands me tissues, makes me shake his hand, and doesn't let people do things for me. When I can finally eat, he doesn't let anyone help me. My food was pretty nasty and cold by the time I could finally get a system going, but he didn't care. I had to brush my teeth by myself, even if that meant using one arm to hold up the other. I know it was hard for him to do that, but he knows me and knows that's what I needed. Don't get me started on the walking!!
Sorry for the detour, but here's what I was talking about originally. People are weak these days and we are really so focused on the minor details that we forget the big things. We don't have the sense of responsibility and courage we should have.
I think I'm thinking about this because because I'm reading a lot of Social Justice books right now and I'm very annoyed with brattiness. Societally or interpersonally, I don't like it.
I will end on this note: I warned you in the pretext that this was going to be ramble. Second, I'm going to see my cousins this weekend and I'm really excited :) Eid Mubarak!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Tales of a Spider
I also dislike heat very much, so I went out to the garage to get a fan last week, and on it was a lovely spider that decided to make itself at home in my room. It was a pretty big, gross, gray spider. Really gross. So me and my sister are just sitting on my bed talking and she starts freaking out. I look over and there it is in the middle of my floor. Spiders helped the prophet, and I'm not about to kill something that worships more than I do, so what do I do? cover it with a shoebox until one of my brothers can take it outside in the morning. SUPER idea.
The next day we go to check on it and it's made a comfortable little web for itself. My brothers aren't home yet and my dad will just look at me funny if I ask him to take it out, so we decide to wait. A few hours later we lift up the box, and astaghfirullah, we suffocated the poor spider. I got this pang of sadness/guilt-the one you get when you miss Fajr. In trying to save its life, I actually killed it in a most uncomfortable way. Think about could've had a quick and painless death by shoe, but rather, it died slowly, antagonizingly, in a shoebox. Sadness.
Moral of the story: Don't kill something while trying to save it. Apply liberally to life.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Fatima Bint Muhammad
To call her a friend does a GREAT injustice. She is the true definition of a sister, and our relationship embodies what it is to love someone for the sake of Allah. I trust her with my very being, and would never hesitate to give her everything I own, before she even asked for it. May Allah have mercy on her and give her the best in this life and the next. May He bless her marriage and give her righteous offspring that make dua for her after her death. Ameen.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I'm not exactly sure either when I'll get the chance to wear them, but when I do, you will know by the happiness in my face. Just thought I'd share the excitement.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Starting July 30:
Sunday: Yassemine-Amman then South Carolina [forever]
Monday: Farah and Nour-Canada then South Carolina [forever]
Wednesday: Ayan-Atlanta [open ticket...punk!]
Thursday: Fatima-Sudan [open ticket....double punk]
Friday: Khalto Rola-South Carolina [forever]
Saturday: Khalto Rada-Amman [indefinite]
Alhamdulillah 3ala kul 7aal :(
Friday, July 21, 2006
Anyways, I do that, then I call Equifax and put a Fraud Alert on my credit. If anyone wants to mess around and open something with their newly acquired SS# and life-info about a dumb girl named Mariam, they could. But with this fraud thing, they have to call me and get my ok. Nothing has happened yet, but when this 90 day thing is over, I'm putting on a 7 year Fraud Alert. I am paranoid like that-don't hate.
Previously, I was one to leave my stuff everywhere. I leave my purse on the table, my ipod here, my phone there, but not anymore. People suck and I'm just starting to realize this. It took all of 20 years and some months. Not to be bitter or anything.
I hope someone tries to open a credit card, cause I will personally drive to wherever they are, and probably call the cops. haha, had you thinking I would confront them huh? Nope. Hush Aliyah, I know you would, cause you wouldn't take that crap!!
You'll be glad to know I'm over it though. I've moved on.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Our Ummah
You can't just point to someone and tell them, "Hey, be conscious of Allah", but we need to wake up and realize just how serious the akhira is. I appreciate the fact that the human process of change takes time, but this "time" is a gamble, it's not something you have for sure.
I was at a graduation party this weekend, a Palestinian one (mixed gender). There were people dancing and having a great time, and parents and family members joining in on the fun and being happy. This sounds totally legitimate right? What if we ask ourselves what everyone would do if the Prophet (pbuh) walked into that party? Skirts would get longer, people would stop dancing, and the happy onlookers oblivious to the seriousness of this would cease their celebration. And maybe more than the 7 adults I counted out of about 30 would get up to pray asr. Now the higher example...Allah (swt) is always there to see. Are we not in debt to him? I'm definitely not saying it's wrong to celebrate and be happy, but if it is done outside the parameters of what is halal and what isn't, there is no justification for its legitimacy, even if it's the norm in our times.
I think that if you're comfortable in ALL social situations and relationships (a whole different post), there's something wrong with your fitra. It can't possibly be that there aren't tests anywhere, and if you're not recognizing these situations as tests, maybe you should change your glasses. May Allah bless us all with the Iman and conviction to pass his tests.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Poem By Emmanuel Ortiz
It's called "A Moment of Silence".
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I will think of a title when I'm done writing this.
Married at the age of four, an Afghan girl was subjected to years of beatings and torture, finally escaping to discover that within all the world's cruelty, there is also some kindness."
Monday, May 01, 2006
I Need a New Job
- People who tell me how to print/People who think they know how to use the digital stuff.
- Pictures that people should be arrested for.
- Opening in the morning.
- Draining the machines.
- The new sales program just recently implemented. Ick.
- People who don't understand the concept of copyright laws.
- Our new alarm system.
Let me start with the worst. Someone who is skilled in taking pictures comes in and is very specific as to how they want things printed. Totally fine, if you know what you're talking about. Mad props. But if you don't, please stop. And when I make a suggestion, just remember that I work here and I sort of know what I'm doing, otherwise I would be fired. I have to restrain myself from laughing sometimes, so save me the awkwardness. The other one, which we all hate, is the person that walks in and goes to the digital kiosks, and when we greet them and ask if they need help, they say NO, very adamantly, because they know what they're doing. 20 minutes and 40 edited pictures later, they select the wrong option and ruin the entire order. Pride, dude. Just let me help you, I'll just show you and you can mess with it all you want. And then when they need help, that non-existant smile appears and they say, "There's something wrong with this machine!". No, my friend, there is naught wrong.
Pictures are a whole other dimension. Oh man. I think the most disturbing ones are vanishing from the realm of 35mm film, because of the digital revolution and whatnot. You get it. BUT, for some odd reason, I always get pictures of dead people. Just today, I got a whole roll of someone taking a picture of their dad in his hospital bed. Are you really gonna look at those?
Changing paper....Wow. Let me just say that it is easily the most terrifying experience in my daily life. I am sooo afraid of the dark, thanks to the many jinn stories I've heard. I know, lame, but I try sometimes. Sometimes I think I'm really tough and I'm like "Whatever man, I only fear Allah!", and I grab the paper canister and new roll of paper and walk into that darkroom like it's nobody's business. Sometimes I make it out of there fine, other times, I'm frantically rushing to get everything done, and the minute I lock the canister, I flip on the light and open the door and run out. Loser is right.
Copyright laws: No, I will not just let you do it yourself. You can't play technicalities with God. Sheesh.
I'm done complaining! Woohooo!
(I know there's more but I just [like right now] got over it.)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Speaking of freaking out, today I was driving and someone almost merged into me on the highway. NOT a good feeling, especially when I'm playing music, and I get this realization that the last thing I could've ever heard was Common. That just sucks :(
Along the lines of suckage, my dad went to California for work today. He will be gone for a week, and I will be bored for a week. He is so cool, alhamdulillah. Especially for a FOB. I can honestly say he's my best friend. He is incredibly intelligent, and thinks ahead of his time. I learn lessons from everything he does, and I really trust his judgement. When I was sick, I used to make him drive to Maplewood all the way from his work in Eagan at lunch to come hang out with me, and he never said no. Parents are so amazing. I can say how amazing I think my dad is, but I can't put into words how I feel about my mom. I just pray that heaven is awarded to her before any hissab. She deserves it, mashallah.
Speaking of sick...subhanallah. If anyone is going to believe in the power of dua, and the mercy of Allah, it's me. Alhamdulillah a million times. If I could go through everything all over again, I would. It's an amazing experience that I am SO blessed to have gone through, no matter how hard it was at the time. Allah can bless us in the most unexpected and unbelievable ways. It really showed me that we have to trust Allah. This dunya sucks sometimes, and If you don't have faith, it sucks even more. We sit here and worry and think and plan and run around without stopping to think about Allah. We definitely should tie our camel, but we have to know that all khair is from him. Alhamdulillah.
I know a lot of people who have this problem. Girls, mostly. This innate need to worry until they get wrinkles or get sick. I think it's really sad. Don't get me wrong, I'm really OCD about things like being on time and making sure things run smoothly and thinking ahead, but I don't let it ruin my life. Does that make sense? I didn't think so. Sorry!
Summary: Worrying is so 8 months ago :) Allah's got your back! Inshallah.
Speaking of having backs, did I ever mention how much I despise when people talk smack (pardon the ebonics!) about other people? And when people talk about other peoples' business? Like when someone tells me a secret about someone else, it REALLY makes me think. If they are missing the thing that would make them stop from telling me this secret, how do I know that they won't tell people my secrets? I really think that if someone tells you something, it needs to stop with you, unless you have EXPLICIT permission to tell others. That's just basic courtesy, and most importantly, being Muslim! It's such a big part of our deen to be trustworthy people. And I give the basic disclaimer, I say this to myself first :) Wanna know what really bugs me? Oh man, this irks me SO bad. When you're sitting somewhere with some people, and the first thing people think to do at separation is talk about people that were there. Oh man, so obnoxious. It just sucks. I really want to tell people to shut up sometimes, but that would not serve any dawah purposes. What happened to 73 excuses?!
Subhanallah, look at this wisdom. Even after you have created 73 excuses (which you most likely will not), you should say Allahu A'lam. Think about this concept. I know it's hard to implement, but if we are constantly reminding ourselves that we have to do this, eventually we will improve (in some way or another) in our dealings with others.
Ok, I think I'm done now. Next time I'll be more organized inshallah. Hopefully I'll have a prompt, so I can focus.