Monday, May 01, 2006

I Need a New Job

I mean I'm glad I have one, Alhamdulillah. But let me tell you something. People are weird. I work at a photo place. Meaning I develop and print pictures and do lots of digital stuff. Really fun, I love it. Until I factor in some things. These are:

  • People who tell me how to print/People who think they know how to use the digital stuff.
  • Pictures that people should be arrested for.
  • Opening in the morning.
  • Draining the machines.
  • The new sales program just recently implemented. Ick.
  • People who don't understand the concept of copyright laws.
  • Our new alarm system.

Let me start with the worst. Someone who is skilled in taking pictures comes in and is very specific as to how they want things printed. Totally fine, if you know what you're talking about. Mad props. But if you don't, please stop. And when I make a suggestion, just remember that I work here and I sort of know what I'm doing, otherwise I would be fired. I have to restrain myself from laughing sometimes, so save me the awkwardness. The other one, which we all hate, is the person that walks in and goes to the digital kiosks, and when we greet them and ask if they need help, they say NO, very adamantly, because they know what they're doing. 20 minutes and 40 edited pictures later, they select the wrong option and ruin the entire order. Pride, dude. Just let me help you, I'll just show you and you can mess with it all you want. And then when they need help, that non-existant smile appears and they say, "There's something wrong with this machine!". No, my friend, there is naught wrong.

Pictures are a whole other dimension. Oh man. I think the most disturbing ones are vanishing from the realm of 35mm film, because of the digital revolution and whatnot. You get it. BUT, for some odd reason, I always get pictures of dead people. Just today, I got a whole roll of someone taking a picture of their dad in his hospital bed. Are you really gonna look at those?

Changing paper....Wow. Let me just say that it is easily the most terrifying experience in my daily life. I am sooo afraid of the dark, thanks to the many jinn stories I've heard. I know, lame, but I try sometimes. Sometimes I think I'm really tough and I'm like "Whatever man, I only fear Allah!", and I grab the paper canister and new roll of paper and walk into that darkroom like it's nobody's business. Sometimes I make it out of there fine, other times, I'm frantically rushing to get everything done, and the minute I lock the canister, I flip on the light and open the door and run out. Loser is right.

Copyright laws: No, I will not just let you do it yourself. You can't play technicalities with God. Sheesh.

I'm done complaining! Woohooo!

(I know there's more but I just [like right now] got over it.)


Katie said...

you should copyright the word copywrite, haha

Nandita said...

hahaha Katie beat me.

You are so cute, Ayudu Billahi Minash Shaitan ir rajim dude, it works for me.

At least you are learning tolerance, one of the most important traits humans need to learn.

Unfortunately it gets destroyed so we always have to re-learn it every generation.

Can't wait to see you Mooms, Salaams

murmy said...

Thanks Katie...I fixed it :)

Noons, I can't wait to see you inshallah!!