Friday, July 21, 2006


I got my wallet stolen last Tuesday. I grabbed some money to prepay (crappy area, prepay only), and walked out of the car into the station. I came back, got my gas, went back to work, and spent the next half hour looking for it, and the hour after that calling banks and such. The PUNK that took it managed to use it at that very gas station 13 minutes after I left, says the kind man over the phone stopping my credit card. You have got to be kidding me! I feel like I'm going to throw up because I remember my social security card is in there too. My credit could be ruined for life (we'll get back to this later). So I leave work early (nauseous remember?) and go to the bank to get a new account, cause my checkbook was in there too. [Insert shout-out to my friends who told me to get a new account number, not just cancel that book of checks!]

Anyways, I do that, then I call Equifax and put a Fraud Alert on my credit. If anyone wants to mess around and open something with their newly acquired SS# and life-info about a dumb girl named Mariam, they could. But with this fraud thing, they have to call me and get my ok. Nothing has happened yet, but when this 90 day thing is over, I'm putting on a 7 year Fraud Alert. I am paranoid like that-don't hate.

Previously, I was one to leave my stuff everywhere. I leave my purse on the table, my ipod here, my phone there, but not anymore. People suck and I'm just starting to realize this. It took all of 20 years and some months. Not to be bitter or anything.

I hope someone tries to open a credit card, cause I will personally drive to wherever they are, and probably call the cops. haha, had you thinking I would confront them huh? Nope. Hush Aliyah, I know you would, cause you wouldn't take that crap!!

You'll be glad to know I'm over it though. I've moved on.


AAA said...

I am sorry Mariam that this happened to you. Thanks for the shout out. Really people, I am not as scary as Mariam makes me out to be. lol.

Ayah said...

Sad, Mariam! Poor girl. We should get some really huge guys and wait for that guy who stole your credit card and then SEND those guys to beat him up! Ahhh.... (I'm all talk. I'll be like "I'll beat your ass" but then two seconds later I'm cowering in the corner. so sad.) I love you!!!!

Ramla said...

I love the fraud alert thing! HA HA!